Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Persiapan Ujian Reading

UjianReading juga merupakan bagian yang ada didalam UjianNasional Bahasa Inggris.Jadi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris terdiri dari Listening dan Reading.Dibawah anda bisa melihat kisi-kisinya sehingga lebih mudah mempelajarinya untuk menghadapi Ujian Nasional.

Standar Kompetensi Kelulusan

Reading (Membaca)

Memahmi makna dalam wacana tulis interpersonal transaksional,dan teks fungsional pendek berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari,pekerjaan,dan keprofesian.

Kemampuan Yang Diuji


-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan hobi dan minat
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan penanganan tamu /percakapan ditelepon
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan masa lampau
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan undangn
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pujian
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan keluhan
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perintah/permohonan
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan nasehat/saran
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pengandaian
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan persetujuan/ketidaksetujuan
-Menentukanungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian arah dan lokasi
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan rutin/sehari-hari
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemesanan
-Menentukan ungkapanyang berhubungan dengan suatu kemungkinan
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan seseorang /sesuatu


-Menentukan ungkapan perbandingan benda/orang
-Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi benda(adjective clause)
-Menentukanungkapan yang berhubungan dengan penawaran/persuasi
-Menentukan ungkapan deskripsi fisik seseoang(physical appearance)
-Menentukanungkapan yang berhubungan dengan pemberian/perizinan
-Menentukan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan perasaan seseorang


-Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat,pikiran utama,dan rujukan kata dari surat bisnis.
-Menentukan gambaran umum ,informasi rinci tersurat,dan sinonim kata tertentu dari sebuah tabel/diagram.
-Menentukan pikiran utama,informasi tersurat,dan sinonim kata tertentu dari teks singkat tentang pengalaman kerja seseorang.
-Menentukan gambaran umum,informasi rinci tersurat,dan informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks prosedur.
Menentukan gambaran umum,informasi tersurat,dn rujukan kata dari teks singkat tentang deskripsi sebuah benda/tempat.

Silahkan anda baca dan bisa menjadi pegangan untuk Ujian Nasinal Bahasa Inggris!


Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Persiapan Ujian Listening

Ujian Listening B.Inggris bikin kepala teleng apalagi kalau jarang latihan.Biar volume tapenya hampir habis tetap aja masih ngeblong.Jadi mulai sekarang khusunya kelas 3 SMK sudah musti buat persiapan.Yang perlu dilakukan pertama-tama cari aja soal-soal tiga tahun sebelumya.Misalnya tahun 2007 s/d 2009.Selain itu perlu juga anda lihat kisi-kisinya.Berdasarkan pengalaman Penulis kisi-kisi itu ketapatannya hampir 100%.Dibawah inn anda bisa lihat kisi-kisi Listening tahun 2009.

Kisi-Kisi Bahasa Inggris SMK.

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan

Memahami makna dalam wacana lisan interpersonal,transaksional dan teks fungsional pendek berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari,pekerjaan dan keprofesian.

Kemampuan Yang Diuji.

.Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung ,sesuai dengan gambar.

.Menentukan pernyataan lisan tentang lokasi suatu benda,sesuai dengan gambar.

.Menentukan pernyataan tentang penampilan (ciri-ciri)fisik seseorang ,sesuai dengan gambar.

Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap ungkapan saran,pilihan,undangan,dan arah/lokasi yang diberikan secara lisan.

.Menentukan gambaran umum ,informasi tersurat,informasi tersirat dari percakapan singkat tentang perkenalan,kegiatan sehari-hari rencana ,dan perbandingan yang diberikan secara lisan.

Menentukan gambaran umum dan informasi tersurat dari sebuah iklan
radio monolog singkat.
Menentukan gambaran umum dan informasi tersirat dari sebuah pengumuman singkat yang diberikan secara lisan.

Selamat Mempelajarinya Jangan Cepat Bosan


Senin, 21 September 2009

Ujian Bhs.Inggris Model Incomplete Dialogue.

Ujian Bhs.Inggris Model Incomplete Dialogue adalah bahagian dari Reading.Siswa diminta untuk melengkapi dialogue yang belun lengkap dengan memilih pilihan a,b,c atau d.Ruang lingkup yang diujikan antara lain:


Sebelum anda mengerjakan soal-soal ini,pelajari terlebih dahulu model-model ungkapan dari nomor 1 sampai dengn 15.Perlu anda ketahui soal-soal ini sebagian besarnya diambil dari soal Ujian Nasional Untk SMK dari tahun 2006 s/d 2009.




1.Tom:Have you thought about what to do after you finish your study?
Andre:Yes,I have.I think I'd like to be a salesman because ..........

a.I am good at persuading people
b.I really like working with kids
c.I'm a little shy to meet people
d.I love writing articles for magazines.

2.Students:Can I remove the car wheels with spanner no 10?
Mechanic:No,you can't ...the bolts.

a.It's too small to loosen
b.It's enough big to loosen
c.It's big enough to loosen
d'It's small enough to loosen


1.Nadine:I suggest everyone contribute one million rupiahs for this tour.
Viola:....I think it is too much for most of us.

a.You are totally right
b.I couldn't agree more
c.Some students are rich
d.I'm afraid I have my own opinion


dalam proses


1.Anita:Hi,Fahri.How was your trip to Bali?
Fahri:.........I really had a great time.
Anita:Lucky you.

a.It was terrific
b.The bus was bad
c.The food was boring
d.The weather was terrible

2.Elena:I've read your novel.....Will you publish another one?
Mary:My next novel will be published in the next three months.

a.How excellent the writing is!
b.How nice her voice is!
c.What a beautiful handwriting!
d.How amazing the colour printing is!


1.Diane:What do you like most here in this city?
Mary:Well,... There is so much to see.

a.I enjoy going shopping quite a lot.
b.I'm very fond of the food.
cI love the steak very much.
d.I really like hot weather.


1.Winny:When did you come back from the job training program in Bangkok?
Fanny:I just arrived yesterday.
Fanny:Oh,yes.Ienjoyed everything there,especially the training.

a.Will you enjoy the training
b.Did you have a great time
c.Are you going to attend a training
d.Do you plan to go back

2.Psychologist:What can you say about your childhood?
Client:I'll always remember my sweet time when I was still young.My friends and I loved to play in a small field near our houses and ........our bicycles together.

a.we will ride
b.we're riding
c.we used to ride
d.we will use to ride



1.Usman:There will be a computer exhibition at 'JEC' next Monday. .....
Peter:I'd love to,but I have to help my brother fix his broken water pump.
Usman:That,s too bad.

a.Could I help you to repair it?
b.Would you receive the invitation?
c.Would you like to see it?
d.Could you tell me where the exhibition is?

2.Dewi:Hello,would you like to come to my house tonight?We will have a birthday party for my younger sister.

a.I'd love to.
b.I don't thimk so.
c.I have a lot of work to do.
d.Would you like to have dinner with me?


Sabtu, 19 September 2009


1.Parmin:Have you decided what to order?
Suti:Mo,I haven't made up my mind.Anything to suggest?
Suti:Good idea.I need something to quench my thirst.

a.Can we have Soda?
b.Why don't we have some soup?
c.What about having fried chicken?
d.How about ordering some humburger?

2.Titi:It's already lunch time.Ifeel like starving.

Danu:Let's eat at the cafetaria,then.
Titi:....I'm rather bored with the food there.

a.Why don't we we have something different?
b.What about having luch together?
c.How about dinner?
d.Let's not eat anywhere else.

3.Fahri:You've got a big bonus and incentives,haven't you?....?I'm hungry.
Vita:Okay,where do you usually have lunch?

a.Why didn't you tell me.
b.Why don't you treat me.
c.Why didn't you eat lunch.
d.Why must we wit for them.



1.Teacher: Is Bakti present today?
loudi:Mo.sir.Yesterday he was presentmbut he looked so pale........

a.He must be fine
b.He might be sick
c.He may be all right
d.He is studying English.

Manager:If you work harder and you speak and write English well,you'll have a big chance to go there.

a.Will I improve my English better?
b.b.Do you think I should join English course.
c.Will it be possible for me to have a training abroad?
d.Do you think I can join the football club?

3.Sasi:Can the government eliminate corruption in the next five years
Mindi:........if the enforcement of law is strictly applied.

a.I think it's impossible
b.It's possible
c.It's out of the question
d.I don't think so.



1.Aryo:Good morning.This is Aryo calling.May I talk to Mr.Agus ,please?

Receptionist:......I'll try to put you through to Mr.Agus at his office.

a.It's all right
b.Hold the line,please?
c.Who's spealing,please?
d.Sorry to keep you waiting.

2.Operator:Subscription Division,Tempo Magazine.Can I help you ?
Caller:Yes,I'd like to subscribe to Tempo.
Caller:This is Susan Olivia.

a.Can I talk to Susan Olivia.
b.Shall I call you with your last name?
c.May I know who's calling ,please?
d.Can you tell me her name,please?

Nita:I'm sorry,he is out.Could you call back at four?
Caller:All right.Thank you

a.Could you speak to Mr.Aziz,please.
b.Can I take a message from you
c.Could I speak to Mr.Aziz ,please.
d.Would you like to call him again.

4.Recepcionist:What cam I do for you,sir?
Guest:Can I talk to your manager,please?

a.Certainly.You can talk to me anything
b.Don't worry.I can meet you now.
c.Sorry.I'm busy right now.
d.Just one moment,please.

Doni:I need some information about the product you launched yesterday.

a.could you tell me about your product ,please.
b.who's speaking
c.Could I speak to Mr.Iwan ,please.
d.Could you put me through to Doni.

6.Operator:Parahyangan Travel agency..........
Guest:Yes,please.I want to confirm my ticket to Medan leaving for tomorrow and want to know what time I should be there.My name is Dio.

a.Who's speaking
b.What's your name
c.Who are you
Can I help you

7.Man:Hello,...to Mr.Hasyim,the General Manager.
Woman:Who's calling,please?
Man:I am Mr.Hadi.

a.I'm speaking
b.may I speak
c.can you speak
d.do you speak

8.Sandi:Good morning.This is Sandi.May I talk to Mr.Zaenal,please?
Receptionist:........I'll try to put you through to Mr.Sandi at his office.

a.Hold the line please.
b.Who's speaking,please.
c.Sorry to keep you waiting
d.Yes,I'm speaking.



1.Erma:.......for Laskar Pelangi film tonight.
Jihan:Ket me checkit.Sorry,the ticket is sold out,but the next film's ticket is available.

a.I'd like you show us the ticket
b.We need to return the tickets
c.I'd like to book a ticket
d.You have to obtain a ticket

2.Receptionist:Can I help you?
Toni:Yes......Is that possible to get two double rooms for next month?
Receptionist:Of course.May I know your name and address,please?

a.I'd like to make a reservation
b.I want you to check my rooms.
c.I'd like to confirm my reservation
d.I want to reserve a table

3.Receptionist:Family Restaurant.Can I help you?
Bunga:Yes,please....for next Saturday evening.
Receptionist:I'm afraid we can't.We're fully booked this month.

a.I need to reserve a room.
b.I want to book a ticket
c.I'd like to reserve two tables
d.I really need your help

4.Waiter:Under what name would you like the reservation?
Hasan:Siregar,Hasan Siregar.
Hasan:Yes.It is 555-9363.

a.May I have your phone number
b.Can I tell you my phone number
c.Should you write your phone number
d.Will you speak about your phone number

5.You want to reserve a room in Ciputra Hotel by phone.You dial the number of Patra Jasa Hotel.The receptionist will say..............

a.Ciputra Hotel is calling
b.Sorry,this is not Patra Hotel
c.Sorry,you get the wong number
d.Good morning.How are you?

6.John has just arrived in Bali.He's at the airport hotel in formation counter.

Clerk:Good morning.May I help you ?
Traveler:Hello,my a name is John...............................
Clerk:I see.A single.

a.I need two rooms,please
b,I'm going to stay in your hotel
c.I'd like to reserve a room for tonight
d.I have no place to spend the night


1.Rafa:What do you akways do in the afternoon?
Seva:I take a rest after coming home from my office.Sometimes I....and pkay some games on it.

a.design a computer program
b.operate the computer
c.turn off my computer
d.fix my computer

2.Sheila:What do you do in the present company?


a.I have sent this insurance policy to a new client.
b.I check mail,sort out letters,and put them in the agenda.
c.I will have to arrange the annual meeting with the stake holders.
d.I met some clients this morning, and got to explain the company policy.

3.Yanti:What is your hobby,Nina?
Yanti:How often do you play them in a week?
Nina:At least three times.

a.I like to play badminton and tennis
b.One of the is swimming
c.I prefer golf to tennis
d.I love jogging

4.Andrian:What does a chef do exactly?
Manager:He supervises the preparation and service of the food from the kitchen to the diningroom,arranges the menu and ....

a.carry away the dirty dishes to the pantry.
b.taking care of cleanliness of the kitchen
d.tastes the food for correct seasoning.



1.feby:Ma'am, I'd like to invite you to have dinner with my family tonight.

Teacher:Thank you.I wish.... but I'm busy.

a.I will go there.
b.I have to come.
c.I could join you.
d.I had visited my family.

2.Manager:Did our compony get more profit of the sales this year?

Supervisor:I'm afraid not,Sir.But we could have been able to promote the products......

a.if we had here more sales representatives
b.if we hadn't produced more products than ever
c.if people hadn't bought other products but ours
d.if people had been faniliar with our products


1.Stranger:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the nearest 'BRI' bank from here?

Anita:...........turn right on the cross road.It's on the third building.

a.Sorry,I'm not sure.
b.I knew where the famous bank was.
c.Yes,walk along this street.
d.Yes,'BRI' bank is very important.

2.Stranger:Could you tell me how to get to the bank?


a.It's next to the shopping.
b.Go straight ahead and turn left.
c.It's around the corner from the station.
d.The bank is located across from the supermarket.

3.Stranger:Excuse me,........to the nearest money changer,please?


a.could I show you the way
b.could you show me the way
c.may I know where
d.could I direct you


Sebelum anda mengerjakan soal-soal dibawah ini,sebaiknya anda mempelajari terlebih dahulu
pola-pola ungkapan permohonan.Bila anda sudah menguasainya maka dengan mudah anda menyekesaikan soal-soal ini.

1.Susan:This room is dark.I can't read my novel.....?
Yanti :Certainly.

a.Will you open the next page
b.Could you turn on the light
c.Can you close the door
d.Did you see my glasses

2.Ika asks her daughter to lower the volume of the tape recorder politely.


a.Can you lower the volume?
b.Don't you know that is very noisy!
c.Hi,the tape is too loud.
d.Lower it,it's noisy.

3.You get trouble to do your English assignment.You ask your mother to do it.


a.Could I do you a favour?
b.Could you help me to do this assignment.
c.Would you mind me doing this exercice?
d.May I help you?

4.Linda:.....how to operate the new cleaner?

Salesman:Yes,Ma'am.Firstly you turn on the power button at the left side of the machine.

Kinda:Oh,I see.

a.Could you tell me
b.May I tell you
c.Let me tell you
d.Could I possibly tell you


Mid.Semester.Kls 2 Bhs Inggris.

Bahan Mid.Semester ini digunakan untuk kalangan sendiri.

Sumber Soal dari Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI.Penerbit Inti Prima.-Lks Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI.Penerbit Bina Pustaka.

1.Write down your routine activities in a day!

2.Write down the activities of your father!

3.Write down the activities of your mother!

4.Write down five expressions to ask someone's hobby and interest!

5.Write down five expressions in offering help!

6.Write dosn five expressions to ask an order!

7.Write downthree expressions to offer service!

8.Write down three expressions to ask for reservation.

9.Write dosn three expressions to ask for guest identity1

10.Write down three expressions to ask for the time of reservation! Read More...

Mid.Semester.kls 3.Bahasa Inggris.

Bahan Mid.Semester Kelas 3 untuk pelajaran Bhs.Inggris untuk kalangan sendiri.

Sumber soal:-Kearning English Untuk SMK Tingkat XII.Penerbit Inti Prima.- LKS Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas XII.Penerbit FOCUS.

I.Make short conversation based on these situations!
1.You must attend the meeting kn Surabaya on 24 th to 26 th March. You plan to fook a hotel.

2.Mr.Joko the sales manager of PT.Maju Mapan will be going to Balikpapan to attend the conference .He asks his secretary to write a letter,booking a hotel.

3.You go to Semarang,you do not have any relatives there.Then you want to spend the night in a hotel.

II.Make dialogue on these situations!
1.You recently bought a new watch,but now it does not work.You are complaining to the store manager about it.

2.You just got a shirt you sewed from Delta Tailor.You think it is too small to wear.Then you phone her to complain anout it.

3.Your sister Salma has received a sofa which she ordered from Maranata Furniture.She is very disappointed because of the color.She's complaining to the manager about it.

III.Write an announcement based on the following situations.

1.Inviting the memders of students' Organization(OSIS) to the meeting after school.

2.Reminding the students of the flag ceremony on the next Monday.

Good luck!

Selasa, 08 September 2009


Bacalah kata kerja bentuk ke 2 yang berbunyi /id/ dengan tenang dibawah ini dengan tenang dan tidak usah terburu.



dated.decided.decorated.dedicated.defended. deflated.degraded.dejected.deligated.deleted.deliberated.








Bacalah kata-kata yang berbunyi /t/ ini dengan perlahan-lahan tidak usah terburu-buru.



dashed.debunked.decked.decreased.detached.disclosed. escaped.evoked.established.enriched.eased.





Bacalah kata kerja bentuk ke 2 yang berakhiran ed dan berbunyi/d/dengan perlahan-lahan.Tidak usah terburu-buru.








Bila anda mengucapkan kata kerja bentuk ke 2 yang berakhiran ed maka yang terjadi ada tiga kemungkinan.Pertama bisa berbunyi/d/.Kedua berbunyi /t/.Ketiga berbunyi
/id/.Dibawah ini anda bisa melihat contoh-contoh ketiga bunyi tersebut.

Berbunyi /d/.abandoned.answered.borrowed.believed.blamed.called.cleaned.declared.




Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Kata=Kata Yang Berhubungan Dengan Pekerjaan

Biasanya kita kalau menemukan kata sulit dalam Bahasa Inggris langsung kita cari arti Bhs Indonesianya.Sekarang kita coba dengan cara yang berbeda.Kita cari dengan penjelasannya yang berbahasa Inggris.
Kata-kata ini dan penjelasannya bersumber dari Kamus Bahasa Inggris"Tha Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. By A.S. Hornby.

Penulis akan membaginya menjadi delapan bagian.

1.Kata Berawalan A,B,D.

2.Kata Berawalan D,E,F.

3.Kata Berawalan G,H,I.

4.Kata Berawalan J,K,L.

5.Kata berawalan M,N,O.

6.Kata Berawalan P,Q,R.

7.Kata Berawalan S,T,U.

8.Kata Berawalan V,W,X,Y,Z.


Kata Berawalan V,W,X,Y,Z.

Warder:man acting as guard in a prison;jailer.

Wardress:woman acting as guard in a prison.

Violinist:player of a violin.

Welder:workman who welds.

Kata Berawalan S,T,U.

Secretary:employee in an office who deals with correspondence,keeps records,make arrangements for a particular member of staff.

Servant:person who works in a household for wages,food and lodging.

Steward:man who arranges for the supply of food, etc.(servant who attends to the needs of passengers in a ship or airliner)

Stewardess:woman who arranges for the supply of food,etc.(servant who attends to the needs of passengers in a ship or airliner).

Shoemaker:person who makes shoes and boots.

Singer:person who sings,esp one who does this in public.

Seller:person who sells.

Salesman:person selling goodsin a shopor (on behalfof wholesalers) to shopkeepers.

Teller:person who receives and pays out money over a bank counter.

Tailor:maker of (esp.outer) garment.


Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Kata Berawalan P,Q,R.

1.pilot:person trained to navigate aircraft,esp.one who opeates the flying controls.

2.policemen:member of the police force.

3.porter:person whose work is to cary luggage,etc., at railway stations,airports,hotels,etc.

4.postman:man employed to deliver letters,etc.

5.prisoner:person kept in prison for crime or until tried in lawcourt.

6.preacher:one who preaches (esp.sermons)

7.painter:1.person who paints pictures;artist. 2.workman who paints woodwork,buildings,ships,etc.

8.plumber:workman who fits pipes(for water,etc) into buildings and repairs them.

9.receptionist:person(usu. a woman) employed in a hotel, or by a photographer,dentist,or other professional person, to receive clients.

10.retailer:tradesman who sells by retail.


Kata Berawalan M,N,O.

1.manager:person who controls a business,a hotel,etc.

2.mechanic:skilled workman,esp.one who makes or uses machinery.

3.musician:person skilled in music,composer of music.

4.miner:man who works in a mine underground.

5.mason:worker who buils with stone.

6.matron:woman who manages the domestics affairs and nursing staff of a hospital.

7.newsboy:boy who sells newspapers in the street.

8.newsagent:shopkeeper who sells newspaper,periodicals,etc.

9.nurse:woman or girl employed to look after babies and small children.

10.optician:person who makes or suplies optical instruments,esp.eyeglasses.

11.office boy:boy employed to do less important duties in an office.


Kata Berawalan J,K,L.

1,judge:person who desides in a contest,competition,disputeetc.person qualified and able to give opinions on merits and values.

2.locksmith:maker and mender of locks.

3.librarian:person in charge of a library.

4.lawyer:person who has studies law,esp. an attorney or solicitor.

5.leader:person who leads.

Kata Berawalan G,H,I.

1.grocer:shopkeeper who sells tea,sugar,butter,tinned and bottle food,household requirements such as soap,soap-powders,etc.

2.groom:servant in charge of horses.

3.haberdasher:shopkeeper who sells small articles of dress,pins,cotton etc.

4.hairdresser:person who dresses and cuts dress (esp,for women)

5.hawker:person who hawks goods (usu.from a barrow or cart).

6.headmaster:principal master of a school.

7.ironmonger:dealer in goods made of metal.

8.invigilator:person who watches over students during examination.

9.inventor:person who creates or designs things.


Kata Berawalan D,E,F.

1.doctor:person who has received thehighest degree by a university.

2.driver:person who drives vehicles.

3.dentist:person whose work is filling,cleaning,taking out teeth,and fitting new teeth.

4.diver:peson who dives,esp. a person who works under water in a diving dress.

5.docker:a person who works in a dockyard as a labourers.

7.detective:person whose business it is to detect criminal.

8.dustman:man employed (by municipal,authorities,etc) to empty dustbins and cart away refuse.

9.director:person who directs, esp. one of a group(called the Board of Directors) who manage the affairs of a busineess company.

10.digger:person who digs.

11.designer:person who designs (e.g. machinery, dress)

12.employee:person who employs others.

13.employee:person employed for wages.

14.economist:expert in economics:person who writes or lectures on economics or political economy.

15.engineer:person who design machines,bridges.railways,docks,etc.

16.farmer:man who owns or manages a farm.

Kata Berawalan A,B,C.

1.actor:man who acts on the stage or for cinema film.

2.actress:woman who acts on the stage or for cinema film.

3.Architect:person who draws plans for buildings and looks after the work of building.

4.author:writer (of book,play,etc)

5.announcer:person who announces speakers,singers,etc., in a broadcast.

6.applicant:person who applies(for sth.,esp. a position)

7.barber:person whose trade is shaving and men's hair cutting.

8.butcher:person who kills,cuts up,and sells animals for food.

9.bricklayer:workman who builds with bricks.

10.buyer:person who buys.banker:person who owns or is a partner in a joint-stock bank,or is a governor or director.

12.carpenter:workman who makes(esp) the wooden parts of building.

13.cashier:person who receives and pays out money (in a book,store,ets).

14.clown:man who makes a living by performing foolish tricks and antics.


Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

Bagaimana Membuat Kalimat Larangan.

Bila anda melarang seseorang melakukan sesuatu gunakan saja kalimat larangan.Kalimat larangan bisa mengandung kata kerja bisa juga tidak.
Silahkan anda baca contoh-contoh dibawah ini.

1.Kalimat Larangan Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Kita hanya meletakkan kata don't diawal kalimat.

1.Don't turn off the light!

2.Don't go alone!

3.Don't leave me alone!

4.Don't arrive too fast!

5.Don't close the door!

2.Kalimat Larangan Tidak Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Kita hanya meletakkan kata don't be diawal kalimat.


1.Don't be hopeless!

2.Don't be afraid!

3.Don't be gloomy!

4.Don't be careless!

5.Don't be lazy!


2.Kalimat Larangan Tidak Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Bila kalimat larangan tidak mengandung kata kerja ,maka kita hanya meletakkan kata don't be diawal kalimat.

1.Don't be late!

2.Don't be sad!

3.Don't be jealous!

4.Don't be arrogant!

5.Don't be impolite!

6.Don't be shy!

7.Don't be wasteful!

8.Don't be envious!

9.Don't be stingy!

Supaya kalimat larangan tersebut menjadi sopan,maka tambahkan saja kata please.Letaknya boleh diawal atau diakhir kalimat.

1.Don't be emotional,please?

2.Don't be noisy,please?

3.Don't be panicky,please?

4.Don't be careless,please?

5.Don't be lazy,please?

6.Please don't be conceited?

7.Please don't be afraid?

8.Please don't be shy?

9.Please don't be afraid?

Bacalah kalimat-kalimat diatas dengan tenang dan tidak usah terburu-buru.Usahakanlah agar tahu artinya.


1.Kalimat Larangan Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Kita perlu ingat sekali lagi,billa kita ingin membuat kalimat larangan yang ada kata kerjanya ,letakkan saja kata don't diawal kalimat.


1.Don't miss your bus!

2.Don't take off your shoes!

3.Don't talk in the library!

4.Don't lend him anything!

5.Don't forget me!

6.Don't bother me!

7.Don't push me!

8.Don,t make a noise!

9.Don't cry!

Supaya kalimat larangan tersebut sopan, letakkan saja kata please diawal atau dibelakang kalimat.

1.Don't put on my cost,please?

2.Don't touch me,please?

3.Don't break your promise,please?

4.Don't get up late,please?

5.Don't come late,please?

6.Please don't hurt me?

7.Please don't annoy me?

8.Please don,t waste time?

9.Please don't shout?

Bagaimana Cara Membuat Kalimat Perintah.

Bila anda ingin memerintahkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu gunakan saja kalimat perintah.Kalimat perintah bisa mengandung kata kerja bisa juga tidak. Jika kalimat:

1.Perintah Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Kita hanya meletakkan kata kerjanya diawal kalimat.

1.Wear the hat!
2.Hold the camera!
3.Climb up the mountain!
4.Stand behind the desk!
5.Wait for guests to come!

2.Perintah Tidak Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Kita hanya meletakkan kata be diawal kalimat.


1.Be careful!
2.Be patient!
3.Be cautious!
4.Be diligent!
5.Be happy!

Perhatian!Bacalah contoh-contoh kalimat diatas dengan tenang tidak usah tergesa-gesa.Usahakanlah tahu artinya.Apabila tidak bisa melihat kamus yang ada disini.


2.Perintah Tidak Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Jika Kalimat Perintah tidak ada kata kerjanya maka kita hanya meletakkan kata Be diawal kalimat.


1.Be kind to everyone!
2.Be polite!
3.Be dutiful to your parents!
4.Be thrifty with your money!
5.Be enthusiastic!Be relaxed!

Agar kalimat perintah menjadi sopan tambahkanlah kata pleaase didepan atau dibelakang kilimat.

1.Be careful,please!
2.Be kind to everyone ,please!
3.Be polite,please!
4.Please be enthusiastic!
5.Please be dutiful to your parents!

1.Perintah Mengandung Kata Kerja.

Bila Kalimat Perintah mengandung kata kerja, letakkan saja kata kerjanya diawal kalimat.


1.Sell your electronics!
2.Turn on the electricity!
3.Sing a song on the stage!
4.Walk around the city park!
5.Dance with your guests!
6.Send the money to him!
7.Pick me up at 7.00!
8.Clean your room!
9.Study hard!

Supaya Kalimat Perintah tersebut menjadi sopan,maka tambahkanlah kata please. Letaknya boleh didepan atau dibelakang kalimat.


1.Please follow my instructions!
2.Please prepare your lesson!
3.Please introduce yourself!
4.Please clean your room!
5.Please wear your uniforms!
6.Show me your homework,please?
7.Attend the meetingon time,please?
8.Speak in front of the classroom,please?
9Tell me the truth,please?

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Soal Ujian Listening B.Inggris S.M.K. 2006.

Ujian Listening B.Inggris telah diselenggarakan pada tanggal 18 Mei 2006.Sebanyak 15 soal
diujikan terdr dari 4 bagian.

Part I. Soal no 1-3. Siswa diminta memilih pernyataan yang benar sesuai dengan gambar.

Part II. Soal no 4-7.Siswa diminta memberikan jawaban yang benar bedasarkan pertanyaan
yang diajukan.

Part III. Soal no 8-11. Setelah endengarkan percakapan, siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dlembaran.

Part IV. Soal no 12-15.Setelah mendengarkan monolog, siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dilembaran tsb. Read More...


Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the annual sales convention in our multilevel marketing business. We will be here for three days ........ for two reasons. To pick the food our work and strenghten our spirit. I know that our you have work hardening year the past years and that's way you deserved big incentdives andddddd extra bonuses. You'll soon find out how January the company is to those who are willing to make an effort. What's more importnt however is that we are here to establish a more solid teamwork.

12. How many days will the convention last?

a. Two.
c. Four.
d. Five.

13. Wht is the speech about?

a.The marketing of fruit and vegetables.
b.The perpose of the yearly sales meeting.
c.The establishment of a sales teamwork.
d. The meeting of company directors.


Bored eating similar food day after day . Do you want to change. Try Steak house
Restaurant. Steak House Restaurant is on the third floor of the most famous meeting point in town, the Plaza. Enjoy... steak for ny 10 dollars and 45 cents . Our chicken steak for 8 dollars and 90 cents or you might want to taste of sole loin or ten the loin with the mashed potatoes mm.. marvelous. Come with your family
and hae a big fish at Steak House Restaurant on the third floor of the Plaza.

14. What product is advertised?

a.fish and chips.
b.Beef ad chiken.
c.Mashed potatoes.
d.Differendt kinds of steaks.

15.Where is the Steak House Restaurant?

a. On the first floor of the Plaza.
b.On the second floor of the Plaza.
c.On the third floor of the Plaza
d.On the fourth floor of the Plaza.


Selasa, 07 Juli 2009


Man : I didn't see you at the cocktail party, where were you?
Woman: My car wouldn't start. How was the party?
Man : Great! Everybody was there.

What was the man imply?
a. He could have helped her.
b. He wanted to go with her.
c. He enjoyed the party very much.
d. He would like to call the woman.

Man : What are we going to do after work?
Woman: We can have dinner at the Plaza if you like?
Man : Sounds good. I'll pick you up at 6.30. We need half an hour
to get there.

Where will they probably be at 6.45?
a. At the Plaza.
b.In the office.
c.Still at work.
d.On the way to the Plaza.

Man : So you speak Japanese?
Woman : No, I'm from Thailand. I speak only my native language and
English. Miss Matsura is from Japan.
Man : Thank you I need Japanese and Korean speaker.

What is the woman's native language?
a. Thai
b. Korea.
c. English.
d. Japanese.


Woman: When will the plane arrive?
Man : a.Jane will depart at 6.
b.At 4.30 according to the schedule.
c.It will take off in 20 minutes.

Woman: What size do you wear in shoes?
Man : a. It's 40
b. I need the bigger size.
c. They were here already.

Woman: How was your trip to Sintani lake?
Man : a. Great! I'll be back again someday.
b. Okay! But I prefer to have coffee.
c. Good. I sent the money to him.

Woman: Did you know that we are going to have a new manager?
Man : a. Yes, we manage to arrive on time.
b. Yes, he will introduce himself today.
c. No, we are not going anywhere today.



a. The girl is painting flowers.

b. The band is playing a country song.

c. The musician is performing on the stage.

d. The painter is working on her masterpiece.

a. The train is running by the river.

b.The ship is sailing on the river.

c. It's raining heavily on the mountain.

d. The people are gathering around the train.

a. The mother is cooking for her son.

b.They are having a picnic in the park.

c. The boy is playing alone in the house.

d. She's carrying the boy on her shoulders.

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Soal Ujian Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK 2007.

Ujian Listening Bahasa Inggris telah diselenggarakan pada tanggal 19 April 2007. Sebanyak 15 soal diujikan yang terdiri dari 4 bagian.( part )

Part I. Soal no 1 - 3. Siswa diminta memilih pernyataan yang benar sesuai dengan gambar.

Part II. Soal no 4 - 7. Siswa diminta memberikan jawaban yang benar berdasarkan pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Part III. Soal no 8 - 11. Setelah mendengarkan percakapan, siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dilembaran.

Part IV. Soal no 12-15. Setelah mendengarkan monolog, siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dilembaran tsb.


Part IV. Short Talks.

12 & 13

Here are some steps on how to install any additional software from CD or DVD.

1. Insert the disc into optical drive.
2.When th installation wasn't opened follow on the screen instructions.
3.Restart the computer if from turn to do so.

12. What is the text about?

a. Inserting the letters into drive.
b. Installing additional software from a CD or DVD.
c.Following the company's order.
d.Restarting the computer monitor.

13. When do we start following the on screen instruction?

a.When the disc is inserted into the drive.
b.When we turn on the computer.
c. When the installation wizard opens.
d. When we turn off the computer.

14 & 15.

Introducing the new Mitsubishi refrigerator MRV 264, this one is very accomodating elegant and quiet. It will fit well in any environment. Three available colours are snow white, elegant grey and champagne gold. Buy now at the nearest Mitsubishi agent and you get a free luxirous and broaded towel with each purchase.

14. What product is being advertised?

a. A vegetable drawer.
b. A refrigerator.
c. A compartment.
d. A computer.

15. What is given as the bonus for buying the product?

a. A towel.
b. A napkin.
c. A plastic bag.
d. An ice tray.

Part III. Short Conversation.

8. Woman : Could you come to my house tomorrow morning?

Man : I'm sorry, I can't. I'll have a meeting but I'm free in the

Woman : Okey! Please come anytime.

Where will the man be tomorrow morning?

a. At the woman's house
b. At his own house.
c. At the cinema.
d. At a meeting.

9. Man : I'd like to reserve two tickets to Makasar, please.

Woman : When and how do you plan to go?

Man : Garuda Airways, please! It's for next Saturday.

How will the man go to Makasar?

a. By bus
b. By train.
c. By plane.
d. By ship.

10. Woman : I couldn't get a clear picture on the television I bought two
days ago.

Man : You should follow the trouble shoot in steps.

What product are they talking about?

a. A painting.
b. A brochure.
c. A computer.
d. A television.

11. Woman : Do you mind if I use your pen to sign this paper?

Man : Just a moment. I haven't finished writing my curriculum

What does the woman want?

a. To borrow a pen.
b. To buy some paper.
c. To write an article.
d. To finish her writing.

Part II. Question - Response

4. Man : What time does this electronic store open?

Woman: a. Yes,this store sells electronics.
b. As far as I know it opens at 5 p.m.
c. In the evening with turn on the electricity.

5. Man : I think English is interesting, isn't it?

Woman: a. Yes, I always attend interesting lessons.
b. No, my teacher doesn't speak English at all.
c. Yes, I really like it.

6. Woman: Which way is the nearest money changer from here?

Man : a. Thre isn't any money changer here .
b. Thre is one at the end of the street.
c. The most expensive currency is poundsterling.

7. Man : Hello! How can I cancel the reservation suite rooms for
next Friday ?

Woman: a. Please contact the receptionist on the extention 12.
b. I regret to tell you about my cancellation.
c.Certainly, the room is available for you.

Part I. Pictures.

1.a. There is a computer monitor on the table.

b. The stereoheadphones are on the bookself.

c. The students are using the self access centre.

d. The tape recorder is put beside the whiteboard.

2.a. The girls are practicing the dancing lesson.

b. They are dancing with their guests.

c. They are sitting closed to each other.

d. All of them are wearing traditional dresses.

3.a. The two boys are playing music in the fair market.

b. The woman's standing in front of the boys.

c. The lady is singing a song on the stage.

d. They are walking around the city park.


Kamis, 02 Juli 2009

Soal Ujian Listening B.Inggris S.M.K. 2008.

Ujian Listening B. Inggris SMK 2008 telah diselenggarakan pada tanggal 24 April 2008. Sebanyak 15 soal diujikan yang terdiri dari 4 bagian (part).

Part I. Soal no 1-3. Siswa diminta memilih pernyataan yang benar sesuai dengan gambar.

Part II. Soal no 4 - 7. Siswa diminta memberikan jawaban yang benar berdasarkan pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Part III. Soal no 8 - 11. Setelah mendengarkan percakapan, siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dilembaran

Part IV. Soal no 12 - 15
. Setelah mendengarkan monolog, siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada dilembaran tsb. Read More...

Part IV. Short Talks.

12 & 13.

One to make a simple dessert for your party try caramel pudding. You only need to prepare four eggs, 200 c.c.s. of milk, 200 grams of sugar and half table spoon of vanilla.First of all you have to milk 100 grams of sugar so it becomes caramalise and then pour it into a foregdish. Second, mix egg, milk and another 100 grams of sugar and also vanilla. Stir it for a while using a fork. At the end, pour the mixture into the foregdish and steam it for about 45 minutes.

12. What process did the speaker describe?

a.How to stir the eggs.
b.How to melt the sugar.
c.How to choose good eggs.
d.How to make a simple dessert.

13. What is the last step of making this pudding?

a.Mixing the ingredients
b.Steaming the mixture.
c.Melting some sugar.
d.Pouring the milk.

14 & 15

Attention shoppers! Someone has just turned in a lot of purse. It was found on the floor of the women's goods department. If this purse is yours, please come to the service customer counter to claim it.

14. What is the purpose of the announcement?

a. To claim the customer service.
b. To find the women's goods department.
c. To persuade the shoppers to buy a purse.
d. To inform shoppers that a purse was found.

15. If you want to claim the purse, where should you go?

a. To the shoppers
b.To the customer service counter.
c.To someone who turned it in
d.To the women's goods department.

Part III. Short Conversation.

8. Man : According to the weather report on tv last night it might rain heavily in our city tomorrow.

Woman: In that case I should always bring an umbrella.

What does the man say about the weather?

a.It appears on T.V.
b.The woman will bring an umbrella.
c.The city will be wet.
d.The weather will be sunny.

9. Man : Can I smoke here?

Woman : Don't you see the no smoking sign on the wall over there.

What did the man ask?

a. Information about sign.
b.A question about a notice.
c. A picture hanging on the wall.
d. Permission to light a cigarette.

10. Man : I can't let you go beyond this point without a boarding pass.

Woman: I realize that but I want to say goodby to my daughter.She's only ten.

Man : I'm sorry, mam, but you'll hae to do it here.

Why wasn't the woman allowed to go further?

a.She was carrying prohibited stuff.
b.Her daughter asked her not to.
c.She did't have a boarding pass.
d.Her plane had already left.

11. Man : Congratulations! I heard that you've got a scholarship.

Woman : Thank you very much.

Man : I know that you can make it.

a. Getting a job.
b. Studying abroad.
c. Someone's achievement.
d. An improvement in studying.


Part II. Question and Response.

4. Woman : Which one do you think will suit be better the black one or the red
Man : a. Please sit down and relax.
b. The black one looks more elegant.
c. You'd buy it yourself.

5. Man : Why don't you take a public speaking class?

Woman : a. I enjoy public speaking classes.
b. I'm speaking English slowly.
c. Tha's a good idea.

6. Woman : You study at school from 7 to 3 everyday, don't you?

Man : a. Yes, we study at school everyday.
b. Yes, we spend 8 hours a day at school.
c. No, I don't go to school at 7 everyday.

7. Man : Excuse me! I'm looking for a travel agent around here. Do you have
any idea where it is?

Woman : a. I'm sorry. I'm a stranger myself.
b. I'm not a travel agent staff.
c. My idea is better than yours.


Part I. Pictures.

1. a. He's wearing a raincoat.

b. He's holding sunglasses.

c. He's covering his head with something.

d. He's using a long scarf around his neck.

2. a. The man is standing behind the desk.

b. There is a lot of stuff on the desk.

c. There are a lot of people in the exhibition.

d. The man is on the stage.

3. a. The man is working with the computer.

b. They are waiting for guests to come.

c. The girls are serving dinner.

d. Some people are going to the cafe.

Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

Soal Ujian Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK 2009

Ujian Listening Bahasa Inggris telah diselenggarakan pada tanggal 21 April 2009 sebanyak 15 soal diujikan yang terdiri dari 4 bagian (part).

Part 1 Soal No. 1 -3. Siswa diminta memilih pernyataan yang benar sesuai dengan gambar.

Part 2 Soal No. 4 -7. Siswa diminta memberikan jawaban yang benar berdasarkan pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Part 3 Soal No. 8 -11. Setelah mendengarkan percakapan siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada di lembaran.

Part 4 Soal No. 12 - 15. Setelah mendengarkan monolog, siswa diminta memberikan jawaban berdasarkan pertanyaan yang ada di lembaran tersebut.

Part 4. Short Talks.


Cakes by Anita. Now offers cakes for your offers birthday party,retirement partyn or others
special office function. And remember Anitas can custimize your cake with any message or design that you like. Also available are our delicious coffee rolls and donus for those earlymorning meetings, So, cal Anitas from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. and don't forget we deliver.

12. What can be inferred about this product?

A. Anita's cakes can be made to suit special occasions.
B. Anita's cakes are available 24 hours a day.
C. The product is offered by Anita.
D. The product is sold at the office.

13. What can Anita's cakes provide for early morning meetings?

A.Coffee rolls and donuts.
B.Pies and cakes.
C.Donuts and pies.
D.Coffee and tea.


Hello passengera. A flight 17 Downvour Caracas with stop in Atlanta and Miami. The departure gate has been changed to 30 B. Also there will be a slight departure delay due to inclement weather. The ground crew is in process of the icing the wings in preparation for departure. We should be boarding soon. Thank you for your patience.

14. What change has been announced?

A.The flight number
B.The gate number
C.The arrival time.
D.The boarding pass

15. What is the current weather condition?

A.It's raining
B.It's cloudy
C.It,s windy
D.It's icy.

Part 3. Short Conversation

8. X: Hello! I'm Herry Shepperd. I really enjoy yourlecture.

Y: Hi, Herry. I'm glad you like it. Thank you.

X: I wish I could read your book.

What did the man do?

A.He gave a lecture.
B.He introduced himself.
C.He thanked the woman.
D.He read the woman's book.

9. X: Are you going to the gym now?

Y: No, I've got a soccer game tonight. We play every week and have a lot of fun. How about you? Do you play any sports?

X: I usually play tennis once or twice a week.

What kind of sport does the man like to play?


10. X: Which one do you think would be better for me a motorbike or a car?

Y: I think a motorcycle will be suitable for you.

What will the man probably buy?

A.A car.
B.A bicycle.
C.A motorbike.
D.A mobile phone.

11. X: May I help you, sir?

Y: Yes, can I get a cup of coffee?

X: Coffee is served only in the lobby on the first floor.

What does the man want?

A.His hotel bill
B.A cup of coffee
C.A business partner
D.The first coffee break.


Part 2 Question - Response

4. X: Your room looks very dirty.How about if I help you clean it up?

Y: a. That's very kind of you.
b. I've just bought a new vacuum cleaner.
c. I've already ashed the clothes.

5. X: Would you prefer to get a job or continue studying?

Y: a. You can work after studying.
b. I prefer working if possible.
c. Yes, I would go to university.

6. X: Would you like to come over for dinner to night?

Y: a. I'd love to, thanks.
b. Yes, the show is over.
c. We had tea and dinner last night.

7. X: Can you tell me where south street is, please?

Y: a. Yes, he lives on south street.
b. Yes, it's about five minutes walk in that direction.
c. No, you can't turn around there because of the flood.


Part 1 Pictures

1. a. The woman is pushing the man
b. They are trying to climb up the mountain
c. The man is smiling happily
d. The man is holding a stick

2. a. The glasses are between the tables
b. There is some fruit on the plate
c. The chairs are next to the window
d. The fruit is among the glasses

3. a. The woman is not wearing a hat
b. They are all wearing sun glasses
c. The two men wear jacket
d. The woman is holding a camera


Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Latihan Mengucapkan Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

Bacalah setiap kalimat dibawah ini dengan suara keras dan tidak usah terburu-buru. Sambil membaca usahakan artikan didalam hati.

1. a. The girl is looking at a picture.
.b. The man is turning on the light.
.c. The girl is opening the window.
.d. The girl is washing the dishes.

2. a.The boy is climbing a tree.
b.the boy is jumping off the tree.
c.They are jumping off the wall
d.The boy is sitting near the tree

3.a. There is some soap on the side board
b.There is some fruit on the plate
c.There is a typewriter on the table.
d.The chair is next to the window.
4.a. The boy is reading a magazine.
b. The boy is typing a letter.
c. The boy is sitting beside his mother.
d. The boy is watching a television.
5.a The woman is making the beds.
b. The woman is sweeping the floor.
c. The woman is listening th the radio.
d.The woman is wearing a hat.
6.a.There is a large box on the shelf.
b.There is a blunt pencil on the table.
c.There is some cheese on the plate.
d.There is a picture on the wall.
7.a. The man is signing the contract.
b. The man is showing his money.
c. The man is pushing the desk.
d.The man is waiting someone.
8.a.He's carrying the boy on his shoulders
b.The girl is playing alone in the house.
c.She's reading a newspaper in the living room.
d.He's holding a piece of paper.
9.a.He's walking in the park.
b.He's preparing his lesson.
c.He's painting a wall.
d.He's introducing himself.
1o.a.She's wearing a traditional dress.
b. She's dancing with her dress.
c. The musician is walking on the stage.
d.She's walking aroumd the city park.

Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Sound / r / and / l /

Nah..sekarang kita ucapkan suara / r / dan / l /. Kita ucapkan dengan nyantai engga usah buru. Coba kita hayati ucapannya.

/read/ /lead/




Sound /e/ and /ae/

Sekarang kita lanjutkan dengan suara /e/ dan /ae/.Mari kita ucapkan secara perlahan-lahan ,engga usah terburu-buru.

/bed/ / bad/
/beg/ /bag/
/bet/ /bat/

/leg/ /lag/
/lend/ /land/





Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Sound /i:/ and /i/

Mungkin anda telah melihat situs bermain kata, bermain kata-kata dan bermain kalimat. Sekarang kita lanjutka dengan sound (suara) /i:/ suaranya panjang dan /i/ suaranya pendek.

/i:/ /i/
been bin
eel ill
deep dip
deem dim
deed did
deal dill
feet fit
feel fill
least list
leave live
leap lip
meal mill
heal hill
heap hip
heat hit
reach rich
seat sit
seen sin
seek sick
sleep sleep